Contracts Awarded


Tender number Sort descending Details Provider Amount

Name of Contract:  Services to promote informed choice for the Bowel, Breast and Cervical Cancer screening Programmes

Organisation Awarded Contract:  The Contract for the above Service has been awarded to WRDA Co Ltd who will deliver the Service across Northern Ireland.

Contract Duration: 1 June 2015 - 31 May 2018 with the option to extend for two periods of 12 months to 31 May 2020

Public Health Agency Year 1 £133,334

Name of contract: Services to support the mental and emotional wellbeing needs of Lesbian and Bisexual Women, Gay and Bisexual Men and Transgender individuals and their families across Northern Ireland

Organisations awarded: This contract has been awarded to the following two organisations who will deliver programmes throughout Northern Ireland:

Rainbow Health Ltd:  Lot 1 ­ Lesbian and Bisexual Women

                                Lot 2  Gay and Bisexual Men

SAIL CIC:                Lot 3   Transgender Individuals and their families

Contract Duration: These contracts will run for three years from the 1 April 2015 to 31 March 2018 with a possible further two 12 month extensions until 31 March 2020.

Public Health Agency £50,000

Name of contract: Awareness Programmes to support Mental and Emotional Health and Wellbeing- Tier 1 Programmes

Organisation awarded:   This contract has been awarded to the following organisation who will deliver programmes throughout Northern Ireland:

Lot 1 & 2 - Action Mental Health

Contract Duration: This contract will run for three years from 1 April 2015 to 31 March 2018 with a possible further 2x12 month extensions until 31 March 2020             

Public Health Agency £44,000

Name of Contract: Community Based Psychological Intervention & Support Services for people who Self Harm including provision of Family/Carer Services

Total Annual Contract Value £719k

Contract Duration:  This contract will run for 2 years from 1 Sept 2015 - 31 August 2017 with a possible 3 x 12 month extensions until 31 August 2020

Belfast HSCT area - Community Wellbeing Alliance

Northern HSCT area - Zest

Southern HSCT area - NIAMH

South Eastern HSCT area - New Life Counselling

Western HSCT area - Zest

Public Health Agency

Name of Contract: Community Alcohol and Drugs Information Network Services

Organisations Awarded:   Lot 1: Belfast - FASA - £119,000

                                     Lot 2: South Eastern - ASCERT - £119,500

                                     Lot 3: Northern - Start 360 - £120,000

                                     Lot 4: Southern - Start 360 - £120,000

                                     Lot 5: Western - ASCERT - £119,500


Contract Duration: 1 July 2015 - 30 June 2018 (with the option to extend the contracts for two further periods of one year to 30 June 2020)